OWL 5 - Thinking About Sudan: Compassion and International Intervention

In this episode, we think about the current conflict in Sudan, and turn to academia in an effort to find answers to two questions that the conflict raised for us: Should we be so negative about international intervention? And why is it that some of us may feel numb to news atrocities around the world?

Reading Materials:

David Chandler - Peacebuilding: The Twenty Years’ Crisis, 1997-2017 (2017).

Daryl .C. Cameron & Keith Payne, ‘Escaping affect: How motivated emotion regulation creates insensitivity to mass suffering’, (2011) Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100(1), 1–15.

https://novopsych.com.au/assessments/formulation/difficulties-in-emotion-regulation-scale/ *Purely for information purposes only


Episode 16 - The Stale Waters of Academia? with Professor Martti Koskenniemi


OWL Episode 4- Critical Race Theory… Dangerous? with Dr Jamila Mascat